Tartar is what happens when plaque builds up on your teeth and gets left there long enough to harden. This happens in everyone’s mouth to some degree, even those who take very good care of their mouths.
Some of the plaque in your mouth you cannot see or get to with traditional oral hygiene tools, which is why you need to come in every six months for a cleaning and a checkup. When you come in regularly, we can take our tools and scrape that tartar off, keeping your teeth healthier.
Tartar Leads to Problems with Your Teeth
When tartar is left on your teeth, it continues to eat at your teeth the same way plaque did. However, where plaque can be brushed or flossed off, tartar cannot. You need to get it removed with dental tools that we have in our office. If you were to try and scrape it off, it would likely lead to damage to your teeth.
Plus, it could also lead to problems with your gums, as right along your gum line is where a lot of tartar likes to build up. When you come in and see us every six months, we can scrape any new tartar off, keeping your teeth as healthy as they can possibly be. Plus, if the tartar did do a bit of damage, we can fix it up right away.
For more information on how plaque becomes tartar, or what tartar can do to your teeth, come in and see us. We can explain to you how the cycle works as we do a thorough cleaning and exam, ensuring your teeth and gums are as healthy as they can be. You never want to leave tartar on your teeth. Let us help you get it off of them and restore your oral health.