Do you have a habit of chewing on ice throughout the day? If so, you might not be aware of the potential damage this activity may cause your teeth. By understanding the extent of the harm to your mouth, you’ll get a clearer picture of why you should stop chewing on ice cubes.
Chewing Ice is Harmful to Your Teeth
Besides the obvious choke factor, there are many reasons that you shouldn’t chew on ice, especially when it comes to the health of your teeth:
- Chewing on ice can damage the enamel, which is the first line of defense against sugar, acid, and cavities.
- Braces and other oral appliances may be damaged if you chew on ice, leading to costly repairs
- Cracks and chips may occur in severe cases, requiring an emergency trip to the dentist
- Fillings may be damaged due to the high-pressured forces of chewing on ice
While most of these issues are treatable, they can all be prevented by giving up your ice chewing habit.
Tips to Stop Chewing Ice
If you suspect that you have a problem with chewing on ice, there are steps that you can take to try and kick the habit. First, you may want to visit with your dentist or doctor to see if there is a reason your body is craving ice. Anemia and dehydration may be the culprits behind your craving to chew on ice cubes. If you find yourself chewing on ice in order to deal with another habit, such as throughout your attempt to quit smoking, you may want to switch so something less destructive. Suck on a popsicle or choose sugar free gum to protect your teeth while keeping your mind occupied. If you are struggling with chewing on ice and are concerned about the health of your teeth, give our office a call. We want to help you maintain a healthy mouth and smile.